ESG - Environmental, Social, and Governance

In 2022, SP Group has focused on her shared responsibility to contribute to a more sustainable world. In cooperation with their customers, they have developed and manufactured products that promote quality of life and more efficient use of resources – for the benefit of both climate, environment, people, and animals.

From an innovative perspective, they have taken a look at their operations and manufacturing to optimize resource consumption and promote sustainable processes. It benefits both the world around us and the health and safety of their employees.

With their presence in 12 countries and 32 factories, they have sales of products in all parts of the world and thus the opportunity in several ways to create good conditions for the environment, animals and people in many different types of society. They support the initiative behind the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals, to which our efforts contribute directly or indirectly. To underline SP Group’s commitment to global sustainability, the Group is a member of the UN Global Compact and builds its sustainability work over 10 years on the principles set out therein.

In order to contribute in the best possible way to the green transition, they have set these strategic goals with 2030 as their horizon:

• No negative environmental impacts from operations
• All global production runs on renewable energy
• The entire company is CO₂ neutral in Scope 1 and Scope 2
• Supporting the transition to a world that runs on renewable energy by producing advanced plastic and composite solutions.